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game36528365365 > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 人教版五年级下册英语 > 【目录】人教版小学五年级英语下册PPT课件下载


【目录】人教版小学五年级英语下册PPT课件下载 详细介绍:



人教版小学五年级英语下册TAG 导航(按课程名)
Unit1My day Unit2My favourite season Unit3My school calendar Unit4When is Easter? Unit5Whose dog is it? Unit6Work quietly! 期中考试期末考试
人教版小学五年级英语下册PPT课件目录 导航(按课程顺序)
Unit1 My day
《My day》第一课时PPT课件
《My day》第二课时PPT课件
《My day》第三课时PPT课件
《My day》第四课时PPT课件
《My day》第五课时PPT课件
《My day》第六课时PPT课件
《My day》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《My day》lets sing Flash动画课件
《My day》Lets learn Flash动画课件
《My day》Read, listen and chant Flash动画课件
《My day》Lets spell Flash动画课件
《My day》Lets learn Flash动画课件2
《My day》Ask the question and then pass it on Flash动画课件
《My day》lets sing Flash动画课件2
《My day》Lets chant Flash动画课件
Unit2 My favourite season
《My favourite season》第一课时PPT课件
《My favourite season》第二课时PPT课件
《My favourite season》第三课时PPT课件
《My favourite season》第四课时PPT课件
《My favourite season》第五课时PPT课件
《My favourite season》Lets sing Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》Read, listen and chant Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》Lets spell Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》Lets sing Flash动画课件2
《My favourite season》Lets learn Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》Ask and answer Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》Lets chant Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《My favourite season》Lets learn Flash动画课件2
Unit3 My school calendar
《My school calendar》第一课时PPT课件
《My school calendar》第二课时PPT课件
《My school calendar》Lets learn Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Read and say Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Lets spell Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Lets learn Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Lets sing Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Lets talk Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Lets sing Flash动画课件2
《My school calendar》Lets chant Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Ask and write Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Flash动画课件
《My school calendar》Read, listen and chant Flash动画课件
Unit4 When is Easter?
《When is Easter?》第一课时PPT课件
《When is Easter?》第二课时PPT课件
《When is Easter?》Lets sing Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》Read, listen and chant Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》Lets talk Role play Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》Ask and answer Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》Lets spell Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》Lets learn Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》Lets learn Flash动画课件2
《When is Easter?》read and write Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》story time Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》look and write Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》lets wrap it up Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》lets try Flash动画课件
《When is Easter?》lets talk Flash动画课件
Unit5 Whose dog is it?
《Whose dog is it?》第一课时PPT课件
《Whose dog is it?》第二课时PPT课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets play Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets talk Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets try Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets wrap it up Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》read and write Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets check Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》story time Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets learn Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》look say and complete Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets try Flash动画课件2
《Whose dog is it?》lets talk Flash动画课件2
《Whose dog is it?》lets spell Flash动画课件
《Whose dog is it?》lets learn Flash动画课件2
Unit6 Work quietly!
《Work quietly!》第一课时PPT课件
《Work quietly!》第二课时PPT课件
《Work quietly!》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets learn Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets spell Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets talk Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets try Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》look and say Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets check Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets learn Flash动画课件2
《Work quietly!》lets sing Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》lets talk Flash动画课件2
《Work quietly!》lets try Flash动画课件2
《Work quietly!》lets wrap it up Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》look match and say Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》read and write Flash动画课件
《Work quietly!》story time Flash动画课件



【目录】人教版小学五年级英语下册PPT课件下载 下载地址:


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