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game36528365365 > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 人教版五年级上册英语 > 【目录】人教版PEP小学五年级英语上册PPT课件


【目录】人教版PEP小学五年级英语上册PPT课件 详细介绍:

人教版PEP小学五年级英语上册PPT课件、Flash动画课件,全册免费下载。由game36528365365模板网整 理,免费提供给各位老师下载使用,人教版五年级英语 上册课件,大部分类型为PPT课件,小部分为FLASH动画课件,也包括部分MP3课文朗读。为了方便各位教师下载课件,game36528365365模板网提供无须注册直 接下载服务,让您下载和使用PPT课件更加方便快捷。


人教版小学五年级英语上册TAG 导航(按课程名)
Unit1What's he like? Unit2My week Unit3What would you like? recycle1 Unit4What can you do? Unit5There is a big bed Unit6In a nature park recycle2 期中考试期末考试
人教版小学五年级英语上册PPT课件目录 导航(按课程顺序)
Unit1 What's he like?
《What's he like?》PPT课件
《What's he like?》PPT课件2
《What's he like?》PPT课件3
《What's he like?》PPT课件4
《What's he like?》PPT课件5
《What's he like?》PPT课件6
《What's he like?》PPT课件7
《What's he like?》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》Let's try Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》lets learn Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》lets talk Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》listen,number and say Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》Let's spell Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》Let's try Flash动画课件2
《What's he like?》Let's learn Flash动画课件2
《What's he like?》Let's talk Flash动画课件2
《What's he like?》Let's sing Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》Let's check Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》read and write Flash动画课件
《What's he like?》story time Flash动画课件
Unit2 My week
《My week》PPT课件
《My week》PPT课件2
《My week》PPT课件3
《My week》PPT课件4
《My week》PPT课件5
《My week》PPT课件6
《My week》PPT课件7
《My week》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《My week》Let's try Flash动画课件
《My week》lets learn Flash动画课件
《My week》lets talk Flash动画课件
《My week》listen,repeat and circle Flash动画课件
《My week》listen,write and say Flash动画课件
《My week》Let's spell Flash动画课件
《My week》Let's try Flash动画课件2
《My week》lets learn Flash动画课件2
《My week》lets talk Flash动画课件2
《My week》Let's sing Flash动画课件
《My week》listen and number Flash动画课件
《My week》story time Flash动画课件
Unit3 What would you like?
《What would you like?》PPT课件
《What would you like?》PPT课件2
《What would you like?》PPT课件3
《What would you like?》PPT课件4
《What would you like?》PPT课件5
《What would you like?》PPT课件6
《What would you like?》PPT课件7
《What would you like?》PPT课件8
《What would you like?》PPT课件9
《What would you like?》PPT课件10
《What would you like?》PPT课件11
《What would you like?》PPT课件12
《What would you like?》PPT课件13
《What would you like?》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》Let's try Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》lets learn Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》lets talk Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》listen,write and say Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》listen,circle and say Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》Let's spell Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》Let's try Flash动画课件2
《What would you like?》lets learn Flash动画课件2
《What would you like?》lets talk Flash动画课件2
《What would you like?》Let's sing Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》Let's check Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》Look,write and say Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》read and write Flash动画课件
《What would you like?》story time Flash动画课件
Unit4 What can you do?
《What can you do?》PPT课件
《What can you do?》PPT课件2
《What can you do?》PPT课件3
《What can you do?》PPT课件4
《What can you do?》PPT课件5
《What can you do?》PPT课件6
《What can you do?》PPT课件7
《What can you do?》PPT课件8
《What can you do?》PPT课件9
《What can you do?》PPT课件10
《What can you do?》PPT课件11
《What can you do?》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》Let's try Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》lets talk Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》lets learn Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》look,listen and write Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》listen,circle and say Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》Let's spell Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》Let's try Flash动画课件2
《What can you do?》lets talk Flash动画课件2
《What can you do?》lets learn Flash动画课件2
《What can you do?》Let's sing Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》Let's check Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》read and write Flash动画课件
《What can you do?》story time Flash动画课件
Unit5 There is a big bed
《There is a big bed》PPT课件
《There is a big bed》PPT课件2
《There is a big bed》PPT课件3
《There is a big bed》PPT课件4
《There is a big bed》PPT课件5
《There is a big bed》PPT课件6
《There is a big bed》PPT课件7
《There is a big bed》PPT课件8
《There is a big bed》PPT课件9
《There is a big bed》PPT课件10
《There is a big bed》PPT课件11
《There is a big bed》PPT课件12
《There is a big bed》PPT课件13
《There is a big bed》PPT课件14
《There is a big bed》PPT课件15
《There is a big bed》PPT课件16
《There is a big bed》PPT课件17
《There is a big bed》PPT课件18
《There is a big bed》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》let's try Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》let's talk Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》let's learn Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》listen,read and circle Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》look,listen and write Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》Let's spell Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》let's try Flash动画课件2
《There is a big bed》let's talk Flash动画课件2
《There is a big bed》let's learn Flash动画课件2
《There is a big bed》let's sing Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》read and write Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》let's check Flash动画课件
《There is a big bed》story time Flash动画课件
Unit6 In a nature park
《In a nature park》PPT课件
《In a nature park》PPT课件2
《In a nature park》PPT课件3
《In a nature park》PPT课件4
《In a nature park》PPT课件5
《In a nature park》PPT课件6
《In a nature park》PPT课件7
《In a nature park》PPT课件8
《In a nature park》PPT课件9
《In a nature park》PPT课件10
《In a nature park》PPT课件11
《In a nature park》PPT课件12
《In a nature park》PPT课件13
《In a nature park》PPT课件14
《In a nature park》课文朗读Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》let's try Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》let's talk Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》let's learn Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》look,listen and circle Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》looklisten and write Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》let's spell Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》let's try Flash动画课件2
《In a nature park》let's talk Flash动画课件2
《In a nature park》let's learn Flash动画课件2
《In a nature park》lets sing Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》let's check Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》read and write Flash动画课件
《In a nature park》story time Flash动画课件


旧版人教版小学五年级英语上册TAG 导航(按课程名)
Unit1My New Teachers Unit2My days of the week Unit3What's your favourite food? recycle1 Unit4What can you do? Unit5My New Room! Unit6In a nature park recycle2期中考试期末考试
人教版小学五年级英语上册PPT课件目录 导航(按课程顺序)
Unit1 My New Teachers
《Unit1 My New Teachers》第一课时PPT课件
《Unit1 My New Teachers》第二课时PPT课件
《Unit1 My New Teachers》第三课时PPT课件
《Unit1 My new teachers》第四课时PPT课件
《Unit1 My new teachers》第五课时PPT课件
《Unit1 My new teachers》第六课时PPT课件
Unit2 My days of the week
《Unit2 My days of the week》第一课时PPT课件
《Unit2 My days of the week》第二课时PPT课件
《Unit2 My days of the week》第三课时PPT课件
《Unit2 My days of the week》第四课时PPT课件
《Unit2 My days of the week》第五课时PPT课件
《Unit2 My days of the week》第六课时PPT课件
Unit3 What's your favorite food?
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》第一课时PPT课件
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》第二课时PPT课件
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》第三课时PPT课件
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》第四课时PPT课件
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》第五课时PPT课件
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》第六课时PPT课件
Unit4 What can you do?
《Unit4 What can you do?》第一课时PPT课件
《Unit4 What can you do?》第二课时PPT课件
《Unit4 What can you do?》第三课时PPT课件
《Unit4 What can you do?》第四课时PPT课件
《Unit4 What can you do?》第五课时PPT课件
《Unit4 What can you do?》第六课时PPT课件
Unit5 My New Room!
《Unit5 My New Room!》第一课时PPT课件
《Unit5 My New Room!》第二课时PPT课件
《Unit5 My New Room!》第三课时PPT课件
《Unit5 My New Room!》第四课时PPT课件
《Unit5 My New Room!》第五课时PPT课件
《Unit5 My New Room!》第六课时PPT课件
Unit6 In a nature park
《Unit6 In a nature park》第一课时PPT课件
《Unit6 In a nature park》第二课时PPT课件
《Unit6 In a nature park》第三课时PPT课件
《Unit6 In a nature park》Flash动画课件
《Unit6 In a nature park》第五课时PPT课件
《Unit1 My New Teachers 》MP3课文朗读课件
《Unit2 My days of the week》MP3课文朗读课件
《Unit3 What's your favorite food?》MP3课文朗读课件
《Unit4 What can you do?》MP3课文朗读课件
《Unit5 My New Room!》MP3课文朗读课件
《Unit6 In a nature park》MP3课文朗读课件



【目录】人教版PEP小学五年级英语上册PPT课件 下载地址:


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